Active ingredients and their skin benefits

Our skin is the largest organ in the human body. It is very different from person to person. Its color, texture, thickness and smell characterize it. The skin, together with the appendages (hair, hair, teeth and nails), is part of the integumentary system.
The skin is divided into three distinct parts.
The hypodermis is the innermost part of the skin and is made up of adipose (fat) connective tissue.
The dermis is the central, thickest of the three layers. It contains the nerve endings responsible for the sense of touch, as well as the blood and lymphatic vessels that ensure the absorption of nutrients and oxygen and the elimination of waste products. Collagen and elastin are two cellular fibers that make it up. It is also in this part that we find the sebaceous glands (production of sebum, our natural protective oil) and the hair follicles.
The epidermis is the outer part of the skin. It is designed to protect the body. It contains melanocytes, the cells responsible for melatonin.
The skin is categorized in different types. Here are 4, including optimal skin, dry skin, oily skin and mixed skin.
Optimal skin
It’s the ideal skin! It is often called normal skin, but the optimal term is more appropriate. It is well balanced, neither too dry, neither too fat, without redness nor tightness. It’s healthy skin that doesn't take much care.
Suggestions to treat this type of skin.
Clean your skin using a soft cleaning milk or a carrier oil to dry touch to limit the harmful effects of environmental pollutants. Tone your skin by spraying a hydrosol added with an anti-aging active ingredient to prevent skin aging. Apply a day cream with UV protection. If needed, Exfoliate to eliminate dead skin, which will promote the absorption of assets.
Dry skin
Dry skin lacks sebum. It is a skin subject to tightness and discomfort. It is designed and is sensitive to climate change. It is a pioneer in the formation of wrinkles during skin aging. It develops mainly as it ages because of hormonal changes and the decrease in collagen production by our cells.
Suggestions to treat this type of skin.
Favor non-foaming products to clean your skin. Clean preferably with a cleaner based on carrier oil or aloe gel. Tone with a solution made up of 50% aloe gel and 50% hydrosol of your choice, all added to a moisturizing additive. Use a serum rich in active and moisturizing ingredients on the driest parts of the face. Apply a day cream moisturizer with UV protection and a night cream extra moisturizing.
Here is a little tip: put the same active ingredients in your serum and in your cream to increase the benefits.
Once a week, exfoliate with an exfoliating cream to remove dead skin and make the skin breathe.
Oily skin
The oily skin produces excess sebum. It’s a shiny skin and subject to blackheads. It is often thicker with dilated pores. It is mainly present in adolescence due to hormonal changes.
Suggestions to treat this type of skin.
Clean the skin with purifying products and avoid cleaners that dry the skin. The latter stimulate the sebaceous glands that will produce even more sebum. Tone with a hydrosol with antiseptic properties, astringent or purifying, such as hydrosols of rosemary verbenone, fine lavender or officinal sage. Use a serum which tightens the pores of the skin (astrint). Apply a purifying milk with UV protection. Milk contains less emulsifying wax and oil, so it will leave your skin lighter after application. Use a night cream Séboregulatrice which will balance the secretion of sebum. Once a week, exfoliate With an exfoliating gel to remove dead skin and make the skin breathe.
Mixed skin
The mixed skin is oily in the center of the face (the famous t = forehead, nose, chin) and dry on the contours and the cheeks. It is more complex to treat, because it requires several products adapted to the different parts of the face.
Suggestions to treat this type of skin.
Clean the skin with purifying products. Tone With a solution made up of 50% aloe gel and 50% hydrosol of your choice, all added to an active hydrating ingredient and a purifying active ingredient. Use a serum that tightens pores skin on the oily parts of the face and another moisturizer on dry parts. Apply a day cream light moisturizer, with sewer active ingredients or essential oils. Use a night cream moisturizer on dry parts. Once a week, exfoliate With an exfoliating gel or cream to remove dead skin and allow the skin to breathe well. Prefer active that purify in the morning and moisturizing active in the evening.
Each skin type can have one or more of these 4 states.
Sensitive skin : Reactive skin that blushes easily. We can feel burns and itching. For this skin condition, a soothing, antioxidant or repairing active will be suggested.
Dehydrated skin: Not to be confused with the dry skin type. It is a passenger state, caused by a lack of hydration. We recognize the skin dehydrated by its appearance of crumpled paper when pinched. Often, present on the hands. For this skin statement, a moisturizing or smoothing active will be beneficial. It is also important to drink water and avoid the too frequent use of soaps (soaps dry the skin).
Acne skin : It is most often oily skin, but with pimples. For this state of skin, we will seek purifying, healing and astringent active that tighten the pores of the skin. It will be beneficial to combine active with essential antiseptic or antibacterial oils.
Mature skin: This skin has lost its tone. It is dotted with wrinkles and fine lines. It is a permanent state, hence the importance of nourishing our skin well as soon as possible (prevention). Here, we will look for active ingredients that give tone, as well as anti-wrinkle, anti-stake and moisturizers.
The following table classifies the different active ingredients according to their benefits.
To download the table in PDF format Click here (in french only)

- Myriam Leduc