Summer products and treatments

Spray Mosquito repellent

Spray Mosquito repellent

Cette recette est conçue sans corps gras! L'émulsium permet la dissolution des huiles essentielles dans l'hydrolat et le gel d'aloès, ce qui en fai...
  • Myriam Leduc
Anti-itch Roll-on with essential oils

Anti-itch Roll-on with essential oils

This small bottle slips super well in the travel kit. Very concentrated in essential oils, carefully chosen to act quickly to calm the itching. The...
  • Myriam Leduc
Soothing gel after sun

Soothing gel after sun

This soil soleil gel enriched with vitamin B3 is anti-inflammatory, healing and repairer. You will be relieved by freshness when applying. It helps...
  • Myriam Leduc
Sun prep cream

Sun prep cream

This recipe is simple, because the cream is already made. You just have to mix the ingredients and presto, voila! The active ingredients in this re...
  • Myriam Leduc
Scrub "beautiful tanning"

Scrub "beautiful tanning"

The scrub is a good habit to take in a body routine. This scrub will clean the dead skins and impurities that remain stuck on the epidermis. Well -...
  • Myriam Leduc
Sparkling Tan Oil

Sparkling Tan Oil

This oil will fill you throughout the year. It offers slight sun protection while promoting tanning. In winter, it gives complexion to the skin and...
  • Myriam Leduc
Hair solar oil

Hair solar oil

Apply to dry or humid hair, over the entire length and tips before and after sun exposure and swimming. You can integrate this oil into your hair ...
  • Myriam Leduc
Zinc oxide cream - body & face

Zinc oxide cream - body & face

A 100% natural sun protection, with the addition of zinc oxide which protects your skin against UVA and UVB rays. A homemade alternative to commerc...
  • Myriam Leduc