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Sizes : 250 g, 500 g and 1 kg
Manicouagan's marine clay is extracted under the peat bog in the Manicouagan peninsula, on the edge of the St. Lawrence River. It replaces the mud of the Dead Sea and is even richer in minerals than the latter.
Gray powder with the characteristic and earthy smell of clays. The clay powder is ultra-fine and insoluble.
INCI : Manicouagan Sea Mineral Clay
Origin : Quebec/Canada
Properties : Its content in silicates, iron oxides and alumina is higher than that of the mud of the dead sea. And it's more local! It contains minerals such as sodium, calcium, iron, potassium and zinc which are very beneficial for the skin. It is revitalizing by its richness in trace elements and vitamins which are absorbed by the skin.
Use : This product can be added directly to a number of products, for external use only.
Uses: Masks, scrubs, wraps, cleansing and exfoliating milks, concealer and serums, soaps.
More precisely...
Exfoliant: illite, quartz and sodium and potassium oxides.Astringent: oxide and salts minerals.Hydrating: interstitial water content containing salts minerals and trace elements.Revitalizing: trace of trace elements and salts minerals of marine origin.Cleanser agent: Sodium and potassium oxide content and electrically loaded particles.
Iron oxide gives the mud clay its gray color.
Analysis by neutron activation shows a diversity of chemical elements in higher concentrations than those of the Dead Sea reference sludge. Certain elements are important from the point of view of their dermatological and nutritional properties.
Ingredients having dermatological importance Manicouagan clay contains micronutrients such as sodium, calcium, iron, potassium and zinc.
Ingredients with nutritional importance Manicouagan clay can be a mineral supplement for animals with calcium, sodium and other essential elements.
Microbiological analyzes reveal a microbial flora comparable to seaweed/ sludge. Bacterial content is very low when the clay is sterilized and there are no pathogenic bacteria in the raw state.