Nettle - QUALITY QC 100 g

Product Description
Maximum quantity available reached.

Size : 100 g

Latin name: Urtica Dioica
INCI : Urtica Dioica leaf
Botanical family: Urticaceous
Parts : Whole and cultivated dried leaves without pesticides or herbicide

Origin : Quebec, Canada

Our nettle was full -dried, then passed into centrifuge to allow the separation of the stems of the leaves, which explains its crumbled appearance. It is excited to preserve all of its active ingredients and is of very high quality. For this reason, we do not advise to take it with bare hand. Wear gloves or use a spoon. For herbal teas, do not exaggerate on doses or maceration time, it is extremely powerful!

Cosmetic properties:  Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, nettle purifies the skin and thus limits the appearance of pimples and imperfections. It is considered a depurative plant that eliminates toxins from the epidermis. Its decoction applied to the scalp stimulates hair growth. 

Properties therapeutics : Nettle is a general tonic plant that nourishes all systems (light diuretic, musculoskeletal tonic, nervous tonic, etc.) it is mineralizing and contains large quantities of iron organic assimilable non -constip. A versatile plant to take a long year, for all ages.

Precautions: Can interact with diuretic and hypotensive drugs. Avoid in case edema due to heart or renal failure.

Use : In decoction, infusion, compress or maceration

To know...

The importance of local purchase! Medicinal plants cultivated in Quebec are more expensive, but the quality is exceptional. Our herbalists make them dry whole (with some exceptions), in the rules of the art. The plants are cultivated here and do not have to travel (polluting transport) from a distance to your home. In addition, they are always freshly dried. Paying a little more to encourage our producers from here, it's worth the investment!


When you take internal plants for specific health problems, we strongly advise you to consult a therapist herbalist to obtain a health assessment, personalized, safe and efficient treatment, then follow -up.

You can contact Marie-Christine Vallières, herbalist, at To make an appointment for a private consultation in videoconference ($ 80).

Information on this website has not been evaluated by Health Canada and does not replace the opinion of a healthcare professionals. She is only informative.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Louise Sauve
Ortie piquante

Excellente qualité et délicieuse tisane

Marjorie Rivest

Merveilleuse qualité comme à l'habitude!

Claude Emmanuelle Ferland

Excellente qualité par sa couleur et son odeur à l'ouverture du sac

En rapport avec l'ortie

C'est avec un peu de tristesse que je viens de lire que l'ortie est épuisée... Allez-vous en avoir d'autre pour l'Automne... Ou, auriez-vous des potages d'ortie etc... merci à l'avance

Bonjour G.P
Nous avons actuellement l'ortie biologique qui provient des États-Unis qui est aussi de bonne qualité. Nous devrions toutefois recevoir notre commande d'ortie du Québec d'ici quelques semaines, restez à l'affût.

Genevieve Morel

Pour avoir commandé de l'ortie séchée chez les Âmes fleurs la première fois, et la couleur est parfaite comparée à celle de la Clef des champs dont la couleur m'a vraiment déçu, merciiii pour ce magnifique produit bienfaisant !!!!!

Bonjour Geneviève, c'est parce que notre Ortie séché est un produit local. Cultivée au Québec !

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