Let go with essential oils during the holidays

Let go with essential oils during the holidays

The holiday season is often an ideal time to relax and take care of yourself, especially using essential oils that can play a soothing, invigorating or relaxing role according to their properties.

In order to let go during your vacation, here are some suggestions of essential oils:

  • Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia) : For those who need calm and serenity of mind. Lavender is recognized for its calming and relaxing properties, it is ideal for promoting good sleep during the night or to relax the mind during the day. Use a few drops in a diffuser or mix it with a support oil (such as split coconut oil) and apply to the cuffs or the neck before sleeping.
    •  Lemon (Citrus Limon) : For adventurers who need to be invigorated, lemon essential oil is particularly useful to start the day on the right foot or to feel revitalized after a long trip. With her fresh and invigorating scent, she can help raise mood and purify air. Use it in a diffuser or apply it diluted on the skin.


    • Lemon eucalyptus : For lovers of nature, this essential oil is excellent to keep flies away and mosquitoes that sometimes spoil the atmosphere during the holiday season in order to enjoy the present moment.


    • Ylang-Ylang (Canada Odorata) : For those who wish to win 100%, essential oil ylang-ylang is known for its soothing effects and its floral fragrance, it is ideal for reducing stress and promoting a feeling of well-being. It can be used in massage, mixed with a support oil.


    • Peppermint (Mentha Piperita) : For head women who have a job mentally requiring, peppermint essential oil is perfect for revitalizing the mind and relieving headache or mental fatigue. A peppermint inhalation can also help when traveling to combat transport evil. Pure application, it is analgesic in case of ankle spin during a hike. 


    • Roman chamomile (Chamaememelum nobile) : For those overworked, chamomile oil is recognized for its calming properties and can be very useful for irritated skin or to calm the nerves. Use it in a diffuser or in topical application on the skin, always diluted in a carrier oil.

    Usage tips :


    1. Diffusion : Add a few drops of essential oil to a diffuser to flavor your living space. If you don't have a diffuser, you can also put a few drops of essential oil on a handkerchief and slip it into the pillowcase.

    2. Skin application* : Always mix essential oils with a support oil before applying them to the skin to avoid any irritation. We recommend thefractional coconut oil which is odorless, colorless and which keeps very long.
      Use one of our 18 mm amber glass bottles of Size of your choice with a cap Roll-on For easy application. 

      *Always take a test on a small skin area before using a new oil to check any allergic reaction.

    3. Aromatic bath : Add a few drops of essential oil to your bath, mixed with an emulsifier (like a base for foaming bath or a vegetable oil) for a relaxing bath experience. It is very important to never mix pure essential oils with bath salt.


    With these natural extracts, your vacation can become even more relaxing and regenerating! Why do it?

    Good holidays🏖️

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    • Myriam Leduc